Dear Participant,

You are being invited to participate in the prescreening phase of Facing Eating Disorder Fears, a research study with two conditions: Treatment as Usual with Self-Monitoring, and the Facing Eating Disorder Fears condition. This study is being conducted by Cheri Levinson, PhD. The study is located at the University of Louisville, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences, and is sponsored by the National Institute of Health (NIH). All assessments and study activities will be conducted remotely.

To be eligible to participate in the main study, participants must be aged 18-65 years, have a current or past diagnosis of anorexia or atypical anorexia, and have discharged from a high level of care (inpatient, residential, partial hospital, or intensive outpatient) within the past one year. Other eligibility criteria may apply. The prescreening phase involves answering questions about yourself, and any eating disorder diagnoses or symptoms. The prescreening phase will take approximately 5 minutes to complete. Responses from the prescreening survey will determine eligibility for continued participation to the full screening phase of the study, where eligibility to continue to the main phase of the study is determined.

If you are eligible and interested in participating in the study, participation will include completing surveys, interviews, and possibly treatment modules. You can receive up to $110 in compensation and potentially $2400 worth of free treatment for participating in the study, which includes an initial screening, the main study phase, and a two-month follow up screening.

If you are not eligible, participation will end after this prescreening survey. If you are eligible, you will receive information about continuing to the screening phase.

If you have any questions about your rights as a subject, you may call the university of Louisville Human Subjects Protection Program Office at (502)-852-5188. The University of Louisville Institutional Review Board (IRB) has reviewed this research study.

Please indicate whether you would like to proceed by checking one of the below options:

Do you agree to participate in the online screening?

Having read the information above,
I would like to proceed with the prescreening survey

I acknowledge that answering prescreening questions will convey my consent to participate in this prescreening phase, which will include sharing some of my information, and I acknowledge that I may not be selected for participation based on eligibility or other study criteria.

I do not want to proceed with the prescreening survey.