Down syndrome Research Study

Researchers at Boys Town National Research Hospital are conducting a study to learn more about speech, language, and hearing development in individuals with Down syndrome.

Fast Facts

Have Down syndrome

Ages 7 months and older

Compensation Provided

Conducted in
Omaha, NE

Study Background

Researchers at Boys Town National Research Hospital are looking for individuals who have Down syndrome to participate in a compensated clinical study.

The purpose of this research study is to learn more about how speech, language, and hearing develops in individuals with Down syndrome across their lifespan. During the study, we will play sounds for participants like background noise or people talking. These sounds will come through a speaker or headphones, and will be played at a comfortable volume.

We hope the findings from this study will help researchers improve hearing healthcare for individuals with Down syndrome!

Study Background

Researchers at Boys Town National Research Hospital are looking for individuals who have Down syndrome to participate in a compensated clinical study.

The purpose of this research study is to learn more about how speech, language, and hearing develops in individuals with Down syndrome across their lifespan. During the study, we will play sounds for participants like background noise or people talking. These sounds will come through a speaker or headphones, and will be played at a comfortable volume.

We hope the findings from this study will help researchers improve hearing healthcare for individuals with Down syndrome!

Additional Information

The purpose of this research study is to learn more about how speech, language, and hearing develops in individuals with Down syndrome across their lifespan.

You or the person you care for may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 7 months and older
  • Have Down syndrome
  • Do not wear a cochlear implant
  • Able to travel to Boys Town National Research Hospital

During this study, researchers will play sounds and noises for participants via a speaker or headphones. These sounds may include background noise and people talking, and will be played at a comfortable volume. 

Researchers may also use a game format to keep the study visit engaging. 

As a participant, you can receive up to $20/hour for your time and effort.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.