BCFS001483-Aura-Kollins-141 [Landing Page]

Parent Apply Here Youth Apply Here Remote Child Health Research Study   Aura is conducting a study with children and their parents to better understand how technology use, including social media and gaming, impacts kids’ well-being, sleep, stress, and development. Parent Apply Here Youth Apply Here Fast Facts Parent is Willing to Participate With Their […]

BCFS00651-EPPICNET-Pederson-DiabeticNeuropathy-NYU [Landing Page]

Apply Now Painful Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Research Study Researchers at NYU Manhattan are partnering with individuals diagnosed with nerve pain in the legs and feet from diabetes to evaluate potential treatment possibilities. Join our study and receive up to $850 with possible transport and dependent care reimbursement. See If I Qualify Fast Facts diagnosis of […]

BCFS00651-EPPICNET-Pederson-DiabeticNeuropathy-NYU [Thank You-Ineligible]

Thank you for taking the time to complete the clinical trial screening form. We appreciate your interest in our research. Unfortunately, based on the information provided, you do not meet this study’s eligibility criteria. Please know that this does not reflect on your value as a potential participant in future research. We encourage you to […]

BCFS00651-EPPICNET-Pederson-DiabeticNeuropathy-NYU [Screening Form]

EPPIC-Net, an NIH HEAL initiative, is conducting a clinical trial to investigate the safety and efficacy of a potential oral non-opioid treatment for pain related to diabetic neuropathy below the knee. If you choose to participate, you will attend 7 in-person and 2 virtual visits and receive a payment of up to a maximum of […]