Cannabis Reduction Research Study

Researchers at Medical University of South Carolina are conducting a study to learn more about how gender and hormones affect one’s ability to reduce cannabis use.

Fast Facts

Use cannabis regularly and thinking about reducing

Ages 18+

Compensation Provided

Conducted in
Charleston, SC

Study Background

Researchers are seeking regular cannabis users to investigate the relationship between hormones and reducing cannabis use.

More people are using cannabis, and therefore there are a larger number of individuals looking to cut back their use for various reasons. But there isn’t enough research yet to determine whether gender and sex hormones make it easier or more difficult to reduce.

The goal of this study is to investigate how gender identity, as well as sex hormones like progesterone, affects an individual’s ability to reduce their cannabis use.

Participation in this study could improve treatment approaches to help people who want to reduce cannabis use. Further research and join our paid study today!

Study Background

Researchers are seeking regular cannabis users to investigate the relationship between hormones and reducing cannabis use.

More people are using cannabis, and therefore there are a larger number of individuals looking to cut back their use for various reasons. But there isn’t enough research yet to determine whether gender and sex hormones make it easier or more difficult to reduce.

The goal of this study is to investigate how gender identity, as well as sex hormones like progesterone, affects an individual’s ability to reduce their cannabis use.

Participation in this study could improve treatment approaches to help people who want to reduce cannabis use. Further research and join our paid study today!

Additional Information

The overall goal of this study is to explore associations between certain hormones and reactions to cannabis use during the course of treatment.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • 18+ years old
  • Regularly use cannabis
  • Interested in reducing
  • No unstable medical or psychiatric conditions
  • No other substance use disorder
  • Not pregnant, nursing, or trying to become pregnant

Study participation involves:

  • Intake Visit: During the first visit, you will review a consent document for the intake, provide a urine and saliva sample, and complete assessments about your health and alcohol, cannabis, and other drug use history. If eligible, you will proceed to the following
  • Second Visit: You will meet with a therapist to discuss your personal goals; for example, deciding how much you might like to reduce your cannabis use and small ways that you could start to meet your goals.
  • Online Program: Next, you will complete a weekly online program for 8 weeks. The program is a standard therapy for substance use, known as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy focuses on changing thought patterns, improving the regulation of emotions, and developing coping strategies to help solve problems.
  • In-person Visits: The study includes 11 in-person visits over the course of 5 months. The visits are approximately weekly for 8 weeks, during the time you are completing the online program.
  • Follow-up: You would have 3 monthly follow-up visits after completing the online program.


We will show you how to collect daily saliva samples at home that you bring into the lab so that we can measure your hormone levels. You will also complete surveys and interviews throughout the study.

As a participant, you can receive up to $765 for completing all study tasks.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.