Conducted by the University of Texas

Smoking & Exercise
Exercise Research Study

Researchers at UT are partnering with individuals to evaluate how exercise can help those who smoke regularly to relieve stress and want to quit. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts

Smoke Cigarettes daily and Motivated to Quit

Smoke to Deal with stress

18 Years and Older

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Texas

Study Background

The Anxiety and Health Behaviors Lab at the University of Texas and the YMCA of Greater San Antonio are looking for individuals who are over 18, smoke daily to cope with stress who are motivated to quit, and not currently exercising regularly but would like to begin. This is a 54-week investigational study that aims to understand how effective exercise is in adults with anxiety who are quitting smoking.

Participants will complete 75 minutes per week of exercise for 15 weeks, and will be provided with a 4-month YMCA membership including a personal trainer. After 6 weeks, participants will try to quit smoking. Participants will also receive counseling through the Texas Tobacco Quitline, as well as nicotine replacement therapy.

Your participation in this study may help researchers improve treatment approaches for smoking cessation. Further research today and join our compensated study! 

Additional Information

The purpose of this research study is to evaluate whether regular exercise is effective in helping adults who experience stress quit smoking.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

Key Criteria:

  • 18 years or older
  • Smoke cigarettes (including e-cigarettes or cigarillos) daily for 1+ years
  • Motivated to quit smoking
  • Smoke to relieve stress
  • Not already exercising regularly
  • Not already receiving treatment/intervention to quit smoking

Participants will be asked to:

  • Get medical clearance to exercise
  • Exercise 75 min/week for 15 weeks
  • Make a quit-smoking attempt at week 6
  • Participate in Quitline counseling
  • Self-report exercise and quitting progress through assessments
  • Take saliva samples and CO measures


Apart from the exercise intervention, study visits will include the enrollment visit (45 minutes) as well as follow-up visits at 18, 30, 42, and 54 weeks.

Compensation is provided up to $325 for your time and effort. Other benefits include:
  • 4-month YMCA membership (which may be eligible for family member add-ons)
  • Nicotine replacement therapy (patches)
  • 6-8 weeks of counseling through the Texas Tobacco Quitline

There is no cost for you to participate in the study.