Help us Evaluate a New Online Reading Training Program!

Do you have an 8-12-year-old child struggling with reading? Researchers at Kennedy Krieger Institute have developed a computerized reading training program that targets reading skills and are looking for families to give it a try! Read the information below to learn more.

Fast Facts

Children 8-12 years old experiencing reading difficulties

English Proficiency

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Baltimore

Research Study Background

This study will examine the neurobiological basis of reading difficulties in school-aged children and the effectiveness of a computerized reading training program.

Through this study, our researchers will assess the relationship between reading performance and the brain’s anatomy and function to better understand reading difficulties.

Help further research and enroll your family in our compensated research study today!

Additional Information

This study will examine the neurobiological basis of reading difficulties in school-aged children and the effectiveness of a computerized reading intervention program.

Eligible participants will be:

  1. 8-12 years old and completed the eligibility determination process (see What will happen if I participate in the study? section for more details.)
  2. Have reliable access to the internet and a personal computer. (The reading training cannot be completed on a smartphone or tablet.)
  3. Be able to independently complete a series of computer activities.
  4. Have a parent/guardian available to travel to Kennedy Krieger Institute in Balitmore, Maryland for the in-person appointments.

Participation will consist of six parts:

1) 30-minute, initial eligibility questionnaire completed by phone with one of our study team members

2) a 1-hour virtual teletesting appointment to gather information about your child’s initial reading skill level. This appointment will help us determine if your child qualifies to enroll in the training program.

3) a 4-hour, pre-training appointment at Kennedy Krieger. During this appointment, your child will complete additional assessments and a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

4) an 8-week online reading training. Our web-based reading training can be completed at home on your child’s personal computer.

5) a 4-hour, post-training appointment at Kennedy Krieger. During this appointment, your child will repeat the reading and cognitive assessments and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

6) a 2-hour, virtual teletesting appointment three months later to assess for long-term improvements

  • Participants will be compensated up to $100 for completing all study components, with the opportunity to earn additional Amazon gift cards.
  • Parents/caregivers will receive a report of their child’s performance on the pre-intervention assessments.
  • Parents/caregivers will receive a radiology report from the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan.

There is no cost for you to participate in this study.