Burnout and Resilience Remote Research Study

Researchers at NYU Langone Health are using a mobile application called Cobalt, to help study resilience in healthcare workers experiencing burnout.

Fast Facts

Healthcare Workers Ages 18-70

Compensation Provided

Conducted Online

Study Background

Are you a healthcare worker experiencing burnout?

Are you interested in participating in research that will connect you to personally tailored mental health resources on-demand?

NYU Langone Health is conducting a remote research study to look at burnout and resilience in healthcare workers. We are asking you to use Cobalt, a mobile application, to complete questionnaires and a 5-minute audio and optional video recording once a week for 6 weeks. Throughout the study, you will be regularly directed to personally tailored mental health resources-on demand.

Join our compensated study!

Study Background

Are you a healthcare worker experiencing burnout?

Are you interested in participating in research that will connect you to personally tailored mental health resources on-demand?

NYU Langone Health is conducting a remote research study to look at burnout and resilience in healthcare workers. We are asking you to use Cobalt, a mobile application, to complete questionnaires and a 5-minute audio and optional video recording once a week for 6 weeks. Throughout the study, you will be regularly directed to personally tailored mental health resources-on demand.

Join our compensated study!

Additional Information

The purpose of this research study is to examine burnout and resilience in healthcare workers.

You may qualify for this study if you are a healthcare worker age 18-70.

  • This study involves completing questionnaires and a 5-minute audio and optional video recording once a week for 6 weeks on the Cobalt mobile application
  • The questionnaires include questions about symptoms of anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), burnout, and distress. The audio and optional video recordings will ask you to discuss a difficulty you experienced that week
  • Throughout the study, you will be regularly directed to personally tailored mental health resources on-demand
  • All information is confidential and will not be shared with anyone outside of the research team

Compensation is provided for your participation.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.