Online Youth LGBTQ+ Survey

Researchers at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences are studying the influence of parenting behaviors and social factors on tobacco use among LGBTQ+ youth.

Fast Facts

LGBTQ+ Youth with Parent Willing to Participate

18-22 Years Old

Compensation Provided

Conducted Online

Study Background

Researchers at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences want to understand the various factors influencing tobacco use among LGBTQ+ youth.

Family relationships, peer relationships, and social media can all influence whether LGBTQ+ adolescents use tobacco. Through this study, we hope to gain a greater understanding of the impact of parenting behaviors and social influence on tobacco use in order to identify ways to improve the health of young LGBTQ+ people. 

As part of the study, LGBTQ+ youth and parent/guardian pairs will each complete two compensated online surveys, taken 6 months apart.

The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. IRB 17141

Study Background

Researchers at University of Oklahoma Health Sciences want to understand the various factors influencing tobacco use among LGBTQ+ youth.

Family relationships, peer relationships, and social media can all influence whether LGBTQ+ adolescents use tobacco. Through this study, we hope to gain a greater understanding of the impact of parenting behaviors and social influence on tobacco use in order to identify ways to improve the health of young LGBTQ+ people. 

As part of the study, LGBTQ+ youth and parent/guardian pairs will each complete two compensated online surveys, taken 6 months apart.

The University of Oklahoma is an equal opportunity institution. IRB 17141

Additional Information

Through this study, we hope to learn more about how family relationships and social factors influence whether LGBTQ+ adolescents use tobacco. This information can help us develop better interventions to improve the health of LGBTQ+ youth.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

Youth Inclusion Criteria:

  • LGBTQ+ individual ages 18-22
  • Parent or guardian willing to participate
  • Have come out to the participating parent or guardian
  • Reside in one of the following states: Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Colorado, New Mexico

Parent/Guardian Inclusion Criteria:

  • Parent of a child ages 18-22 in the LGBTQ+ community
  • Child and parent willing to participate
  • Child has come out to the parent or guardian
  • Reside in one of the following states: Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Colorado, New Mexico

First, we will call the parent or guardian to confirm their relationship with the young adult and their willingness to complete the surveys. Then, each youth and parent/guardian will complete two surveys, taken 6 months apart. These will be done online and will take approximately 20 minutes.

Both participants – young adults and their parents/guardians – can receive up to $25 each for their time and effort. They will each receive a $10 Amazon gift card for completing the first survey and a $15 Amazon gift card for completing the 6-month follow-up survey.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.