The HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study

This study brings together parents, caregivers, health care providers, and researchers to help our children grow to be healthy and happy. Join the HBCD study and help uncover how early life experiences can shape an individual’s future!

Fast Facts

currently pregnant

speak english or spanish

18 Years and Older

Compensation Provided

Conducted in San Diego, CA

Study Background

The HBCD Study will enroll a large cohort of participating families from across the U.S. and follow them and their children through early childhood. The researchers want to better understand how the brain develops and is affected by exposure to substances and other environmental conditions during pregnancy and after birth.

Researchers will collect information during pregnancy and through early childhood, including:

  • Pictures of the brain
  • Growth measurements
  • Samples of blood and saliva (biosamples)
  • Medical and family history surveys
  • Information about their social, emotional, and cognitive development


Participating families will be individuals in the 2nd or 3rd trimester of pregnancy or who have recently given birth and their children. It is important that people who join the study are from diverse backgrounds, with varied income levels, education, and living environments.

All identifying information from or about you will be kept private and confidential, as required by law. Your family’s information and samples will be stored without personally identifiable information, along with that of others in the study.

Researchers will learn from your contributions for many years to come. Join today!

Additional Information

The first few years of life are a time of rapid growth and brain development. The HBCD Study will help us better understand how a child may be shaped by experiences and conditions in pregnancy and early life. These include social and environmental experiences in early life and exposure to substances (such as opioids, alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis) during pregnancy.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

Key Criteria:

  • 18+ years old
  • Currently pregnant
  • Speak English or Spanish
  • Planning on being one of the primary caregivers for your baby
  • Planning on staying in the area after your child is born
  • Able to provide informed consent

The HBCD Study begins with 3-4 visits in the first year with only 1-2 visits in subsequent years. During these visits, you will be asked to complete interviews and questionnaires.

In addition, you and/or your child will be asked to:

  • Provide samples, such as blood and saliva
  • Participate in behavioral assessments
  • Wear activity and/or heart rate trackers for brief periods of time
  • Undergo safe, non-invasive methods that provide pictures of your child’s brain and measure the brain activity of your child

Compensation is provided up to $1,715 in the first five years.

All study assessments and procedures will be provided to you free of charge.