Brain Imaging Research Study

Researchers at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles are trying to learn more about how mental health conditions work in the brain and whether a larger study for a new behavioral treatment is possible.

Fast Facts

No Mental Health Diagnosis

16-22 Years Old

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Los Angeles, CA

Study Background

Researchers are aiming to develop a new behavioral treatment for mental health conditions.

Participation involves completing interviews, online questionnaires, and an MRI. The time commitment is about 3 hours in total over 2 study visits. If you are a healthy individual between 16-22 years old and have never experienced significant mental health-related symptoms, you may be eligible for this study!

Your participation may help researchers improve approaches for the treatment for future patients!

Study Background

Researchers are aiming to develop a new behavioral treatment for mental health conditions.

Participation involves completing interviews, online questionnaires, and an MRI. The time commitment is about 3 hours in total over 2 study visits. If you are a healthy individual between 16-22 years old and have never experienced significant mental health-related symptoms, you may be eligible for this study!

Your participation may help researchers improve approaches for the treatment for future patients!

Additional Information

This research study aims to develop a new behavioral treatment using Very Brief Exposure (VBE) for mental health conditions.

You or your youth may qualify for this study if the following criteria is met.

Key Criteria:

  • Ages 16-22
  • No current mental health diagnosis
  • No significant mental health symptoms

This research study is voluntary. Once enrolled, this study involves:

  • Visit 1: virtual interviews and assessments

  • Visit 2: in person interviews/assessments and MRI

Your total time commitment will be about 3 hours.

Compensation is provided up to $200 for your time.

There is no cost for you or your youth to participate in our research study. Participants can be reimbursed for transportation if they provide a receipt.