Alcohol Use Research Study

Researchers the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus are studying the effect of a medication on alcohol use and brain function.

Fast Facts

Drink Alcohol Heavily

21-65 Years Old

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Denver, CO

Study Background

A pharmacogenetic human laboratory investigation of brexpiprazole in Alcohol Use Disorder

The University of Colorado Translational Addiction Imaging Laboratory (TrAIL) is conducting a research study looking at a medication’s effect on alcohol use and brain function. The medication we are studying, brexpiprazole, is FDA-approved for other treatments but not yet approved for the treatment of alcohol problems or drinking.

Individuals who drink alcohol and who are not seeking treatment to stop or reduce drinking may qualify to join our compensated study!

Study Background

A pharmacogenetic human laboratory investigation of brexpiprazole in Alcohol Use Disorder

The University of Colorado Translational Addiction Imaging Laboratory (TrAIL) is conducting a research study looking at a medication’s effect on alcohol use and brain function. The medication we are studying, brexpiprazole, is FDA-approved for other treatments but not yet approved for the treatment of alcohol problems or drinking.

Individuals who drink alcohol and who are not seeking treatment to stop or reduce drinking may qualify to join our compensated study!

Additional Information

This research study plans to learn more about the effect of a medication called brexpiprazole on alcohol use and brain function.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • 21-65 years old
  • Consume at least 20 alcoholic drinks per week or consume alcohol frequently
  • Not seeking treatment to reduce or stop drinking
  • Physically healthy with no history of significant medical illness
  • Not currently pregnant or nursing
  • Able to undergo an MRI (no non-removable metal on or in your body)
  • No history of head injury with loss of consciousness for more than 2 minutes
  • Not currently taking psychiatric medications


How much is one drink?

If you join the study, you will have 6 study visits over about 15 days. You will be asked questions, complete questionnaires, give urine and blood samples, have two MRI scans, and take study medication. You will also spend a whole day at the University for a study procedure where you will complete questionnaires, drink a small dose of alcohol, and be given the opportunity to drink more alcoholic beverages. You will also answer some questions via text message and video record yourself talking the study medication each day.

Please note that for study visits where alcohol is consumed, we can arrange a Lyft for transportation to and from the visit.

For participating in the research study you will be paid a total of $650.00, as well as up to $16.00 depending on the number of drinks you choose to consume during one of the study procedures.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.