Social Anxiety Disorder Research Study

Researchers at Boston University are conducting a study to investigate whether brain activity can be used to predict which individuals will respond to specific treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder.

Fast Facts

18-50 Years Old

Have social anxiety

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Boston, MA

Study Background

Can brain activity be used to predict how certain individuals respond to specific treaments for social anxiety?

The purpose of this research is to determine whether brain activity can predict which individuals will respond to specific treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). This investigation is motivated by the fact that many adults with SAD do not respond effectively to certain treatments, and understanding why this occurs could be crucial in addressing the issue.

By answering this question, we aim to identify the most suitable treatment for each person with SAD more quickly. Our ultimate goal is to enhance treatment efficacy, reduce emotional suffering, and improve overall well-being for adults struggling with this condition.

Study Background

Can brain activity be used to predict how certain individuals respond to specific treaments for social anxiety?

The purpose of this research is to determine whether brain activity can predict which individuals will respond to specific treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). This investigation is motivated by the fact that many adults with SAD do not respond effectively to certain treatments, and understanding why this occurs could be crucial in addressing the issue.

By answering this question, we aim to identify the most suitable treatment for each person with SAD more quickly. Our ultimate goal is to enhance treatment efficacy, reduce emotional suffering, and improve overall well-being for adults struggling with this condition.

Additional Information

This study is being conducted to determine if brain activity, assessed by MRI and EEG, can predict which individuals will benefit from particular treatments for Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD). Understanding this could help identify the most effective treatment for each person and improve overall outcomes.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 18-50
  • Have social anxiety
  • Available to attend weekly, in-person group visits
  • Able to undergo MRI (no non-removable metal or severe claustrophobia)
  • Willing to not use alcohol and/or marijuana during your study participation

If you participate in this study, here is what you can expect:

Week 0:

  • Initial Screening: Complete online and Zoom screens (20-30 minutes) to determine eligibility.
  • Assessment and Tests: Visit our clinic for a 150-180-minute clinical interview, complete questionnaires, and undergo urine testing.
  • Neuroimaging: Have MRI (180 minutes) and EEG (120 minutes) sessions at MIT, either on the same day or within a week.

Weeks 1-12:

  • CBT Group Therapy: Attend weekly 150-minute group CBT sessions at our Boston University clinic, focusing on strategies to manage social anxiety.

Weeks 12-13:

  • Post-Treatment Neuroimaging: Return to MIT for follow-up MRI and EEG sessions, similar to those in Week 0.

Weeks 14-25 (only for group treatment non-responders):

  • Individual Therapy and Medication: If group CBT isn’t effective, you’ll receive 12 sessions of individual CBT and take sertraline. You’ll have weekly 50-minute therapy sessions and periodic check-ins for medication monitoring.

Weeks 25-26 (only for group treatment non-responders):

  • Final Neuroimaging: Return for MRI and EEG sessions, similar to previous visits. We will assist with transitioning to clinical care and provide referrals for continued medication if needed.

Your compensation for participating in this study is prorated, which means that we will compensate you for each part of the study that you complete. 

You will be compensated for each individual part of the study in the following fixed amounts: 

  • 150-minute intake interview at BU $40 
  • Each complete fMRI session $100 
  • Each complete EEG session $50 
  • For the socially anxious group: weekly therapy sessions are at no cost

If you’re in the socially anxious group, you can earn up to $490 by completing all required study sessions. If you don’t complete all the sessions, you’ll be paid based on the total of the sessions you do complete. 

  • Week 0 Intake Interview: $40
  • Week 0 fMRI Session: $100
  • Week 0 EEG Session: $50
  • Week 12 fMRI Session: $100
  • Week 12 EEG Session: $50
  • Week 25 fMRI Session: $100 (for treatment non-responders only)
  • Week 25 EEG Session: $50 (for treatment non-responders only)

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.