Medical Cannabis Use Research Study

Cannabis Effects on Physical and Mental Health in Medical Cannabis Patients

Fast Facts

Ages 18+

Smoke or Vape Medical Cannabis

Compensation Provided

Conducted in New Brunswick, NJ

Study Background

Researchers at Rutgers University are investigating whether changes in cannabis use affect long-term physical and mental health outcomes.

As more people use medicinal cannabis, it is important to better understand the effects it may have on physical and mental health.

In this study, we are investigating patterns of therapeutic cannabis use, such as frequency and dosage, and whether these patterns change over a period of 2 years.

By observing how daily experiences and long-term health outcomes may be impacted by cannabis use, we hope to learn more about its effects on physical and mental health and to eventually use these findings to improve medical guidelines for cannabis use.

Join our confidential study!

Version 1, 8-21-24

Study Background

Researchers at Rutgers University are investigating whether changes in cannabis use affect long-term physical and mental health outcomes.

As more people use medicinal cannabis, it is important to better understand the effects it may have on physical and mental health.

In this study, we are investigating patterns of therapeutic cannabis use, such as frequency and dosage, and whether these patterns change over a period of 2 years.

By observing how daily experiences and long-term health outcomes may be impacted by cannabis use, we hope to learn more about its effects on physical and mental health and to eventually use these findings to improve medical guidelines for cannabis use.

Join our confidential study!

Version 1, 8-21-24

Additional Information

The purpose of this research study is to better understand how daily experiences and long-term health outcomes may be impacted by medical cannabis use.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 18+
  • Smoke or vape medical cannabis
  • Have a valid New Jersey medicinal cannabis patient ID card
  • Have a medicinal cannabis condition (ex. chronic pain, migraine, anxiety)
  • Have a personal smartphone to complete daily phone surveys
  • No current cannabis use disorder
  • No current alcohol or substance use disorder diagnosis or treatment
  • No current psychosis or PTSD
  • Not currently pregnant
  • No use or intention to use only 100% CBD products

This confidential research study will last approximately 2 years. Participation will include questionnaires and interviews (which can be conducted remotely), physical assessments, urine collection, and saliva collection. 

Every 6 months, participants will have a follow-up appointment and will provide information on the frequency and dose of their cannabis use via daily phone surveys in 14-day “bursts.”

These bursts include:

  • Metricwire app phone surveys
  • Morning, afternoon, and evening surveys
  • Self-initiated at the start of cannabis use and an “end use” survey

The initial and follow-up appointments may include:

  • Interviews
  • Questionnaires
  • Saliva drug screen
  • Urine sample collection (assay of THC and CBD levels)
  • Spirometer measure of lung function

You can earn up to $990 for completing all study visits. 

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.