IRB Number: Ame13_Pro00125514

Date Approved: 09/24/2024

IRB Number:
Date Approved:

Remote Cigarette Smoking Research Study

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina are conducting a study to understand how e-cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy, and varenicline can help people reduce their harm from cigarettes.

Fast Facts

Daily Cigarette Smoker

21+ Years Old

Compensation Provided

Remote in South Carolina

Study Background

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina are conducting a study to investigate how to help daily smokers abstain from smoking behavior.

The research study involves an online screening, 13 phone calls over 6 and a half months, daily smoking diaries for 10 weeks, and a chance to try e-cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy (patches and lozenges), or varenicline (Chantix) to help reduce your harm from smoking cigarettes.

Study Background

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina are conducting a study to investigate how to help daily smokers abstain from smoking behavior.

The research study involves an online screening, 13 phone calls over 6 and a half months, daily smoking diaries for 10 weeks, and a chance to try e-cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy (patches and lozenges), or varenicline (Chantix) to help reduce your harm from smoking cigarettes.

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to investigate how e-cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy, and varenicline can help people reduce their harm from cigarettes.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 21+
  • Daily cigarette smoker
  • Interested in quitting smoking or reducing harm from tobacco use
Exclusion Criteria:
  • Planning to move out of South Carolina
  • Currently pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to become pregnant

This study involves an online screening, 13 phone calls over 6 and a half months, and daily smoking diaries for 10 weeks. Participants will also have the opportunity to try e-cigarettes, nicotine replacement therapy (such as patches and lozenges), or varenicline (Chantix) to support their efforts to stop smoking.

Participants in this study may receive compensation up to $860.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.