The PACT Trial

Preventing Alzheimer's Disease with Cognitive Training

Every day, our dedicated team of researchers is working to find ways to prevent dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease. We can’t do it alone. If you’re aged 65 and older, please volunteer for the PACT research study to see if computerized training exercises can reduce the risk of dementia.

Fast Facts

65+ Years Old

No Neurological Disorders, Stroke, or Brain Injury

Compensation Provided

Conducted at Multiple Sites
(FL, NC, SC)

Study Background

Join the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

At this time, no proven treatments yet exist to cure or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia. In this research study, we are focused on reducing the risk of cognitive impairment and dementia with the use of computerized brain games.

Our research has shown that brain games may:

  • Protect against dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • Enhance mental quickness and visual attention
  • Improve gait speed and balance
  • Improve driving safety
  • Maintain health and well-being
  • Allow you to perform everyday tasks more efficiently
  • Protect against depression

If you are 65 or older, you may qualify to participate in this 3-year study. Enroll today and help us advance research on healthy brain aging!

Study Background

Join the fight against Alzheimer’s disease.

At this time, no proven treatments yet exist to cure or stop the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, the most common type of dementia. In this research study, we are focused on preventing cognitive impairment and dementia with the use of computerized brain games.

Our research has shown that brain games may:

  • Protect against dementia, such as Alzheimer’s disease
  • Enhance mental quickness and visual attention
  • Improve gait speed and balance
  • Improve driving safety
  • Maintain health and well-being
  • Allow you to perform everyday tasks more efficiently
  • Protect against depression


If you are 65 or older, you may qualify to participate in this 3-year study. Enroll today and help us advance research on healthy brain aging!

Participating Research Sites

Recruiting from Tampa, FL; St. Petersburg, FL; Sarasota, FL; Seneca, SC; Greenville, SC; Durham, NC.

Additional Information

The purpose of the PACT or Preventing Alzheimer’s with Cognitive Training study is to see if brain games can reduce the risk of cognitive impairment or dementia in people 65 years of age or older.

You may qualify if you:

  • Are 65 years of age or older
  • Do not have any neurological disorders
  • Have not had a stroke or brain injury
  • Do not have mild cognitive impairment or dementia such as Alzheimer’s disease

If qualified, you will be asked to complete 3 in-person study visits.

Visit 1: The first visit lasts about 2 hours. We will screen your memory, and if eligible, introduce you to the brain games. You may also be asked to give an optional blood sample at this visit.

Visit 2: At the 2nd visit you will train, playing brain games for about an hour. We will schedule times to contact you over the next several weeks to see how you are doing with the games at home. We will then ask you to complete 2-3 hours of training a week, working toward the initial goal of 25 sessions.

Around your 1st and 2nd anniversaries, we will ask that you complete 10 more sessions of training each year. In total, we will ask you to complete 45 sessions over the course of the 3 years.

Visit 3: Near your 3rd anniversary, we will ask you to come back for your 3rd in-person visit. At this visit, we will screen your memory and we might ask you to see a study physician, as well as complete blood draws and/or an MRI scan. You can still be part of the study if you do not wish to complete the blood draws or MRI scan.

Yes, you will be compensated depending on how much of the study you complete.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.