Young Women's Health Research Study
Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin are studying a program called CHOICES Teen, which helps young women aged 14-19 adopt healthier habits.

Fast Facts

Women ages 14-19

Access to smartphone or laptop for Zoom session

Compensation Provided

Conducted Remotely
Study Background
Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin are investigating a program called CHOICES Teen, which aims to help young women aged 14 to 19 cultivate healthier habits.
Participation in the study requires a nine-month commitment, during which participants will undergo assessments at various intervals: at the start of the study, and again at three, six, and nine months. This comprehensive assessment schedule aims to track progress and evaluate the intervention’s impact over time. To incentivize full participation, young women who complete all components of the program and assessments will receive $200 in cash or a gift card. The assessments can be conducted either in person or virtually, ensuring accessibility and convenience for all participants.
Join our compensated study today!

Study Background
Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin are investigating a program called CHOICES Teen, which aims to help young women aged 14 to 19 cultivate healthier habits.

Participation in the study requires a nine-month commitment, during which participants will undergo assessments at various intervals: at the start of the study, and again at three, six, and nine months. This comprehensive assessment schedule aims to track progress and evaluate the intervention’s impact over time. To incentivize full participation, young women who complete all components of the program and assessments will receive $200 in cash or a gift card. The assessments can be conducted either in person or virtually, ensuring accessibility and convenience for all participants.
Join our compensated study today!

Additional Information
This study is being conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the CHOICES Teen intervention in promoting healthy behaviors among young women aged 14 to 19.
You/your teen may qualify for this study if the following criteria are met:
Inclusion Criteria:
- Women ages 14-19
- Have access to smartphone or laptop for Zoom sessions
- Able to obtain parental consent to participate if under 18
- Parent speaks English or Spanish
- Participant speaks English
Participation in this study involves various assessments and Zoom sessions throughout its duration, as outlined below:
Enrollment: You will start by enrolling in the study, where you’ll receive information about the program and provide consent to participate.
Initial Assessment: At the beginning of the study, you will complete an initial assessment to establish your baseline health behaviors.
Intervention Sessions: You will participate in four virtual sessions via Zoom, which are conducted over a four-week period. These sessions are designed to help promote healthy behaviors.
Ongoing Assessments: After the initial session, you will have follow-up assessments at three months, six months, and nine months. These can be completed either in person or virtually.
Feedback and Support: Throughout the study, you will have the opportunity to provide feedback and receive support related to the program and your health behaviors.
By participating, you will not only contribute to important research but also gain valuable insights into healthy lifestyle choices.
Participants who complete all intervention components and required assessments receive a total of $200, which can be given in cash or a gift card.
- $60 ($20 for parent) for completing an Intake Meeting
- $15 per Telehealth session
- $30 for a 3 month visit
- $50 for a 9 month visit
There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.