CampusGandr App Study for College Students

Researchers at Loyola Marymount University are looking for incoming first-year and second-year students at colleges and universities in California and Texas to complete online surveys about their experiences in college and test CampusGandr, a new social trivia app created by college students for college students. Join our compensated study and earn up to $130 for your participation!

Fast Facts

Incoming first-year or second-year student

Going to a Texas or California University

Have an Apple or Android Smartphone

18-20 Years Old

Compensation Provided

Study Background

Researchers at LMU are looking for incoming first-year and second-year students at colleges and universities in California and Texas. The purpose of this study is to learn more about college life behavior and experiences, and how the CampusGandr app can be improved.

The online research study involves no in-person visits, and the assessments are 4 online surveys each taking 15-20 minutes to complete.

Further research today and join our compensated study!

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to learn more about college life behaviors and experiences, and how the CampusGandr app can be improved.

This study is for you if you meet the following criteria:

  • Between the ages of 18 and 20 years old
  • An incoming first-year or second-year student at a college or university in Texas or California
  • Have an Apple or Android smartphone
  • Be willing to install the CampusGandr app and complete surveys

Once enrolled, this study involves:

  • Downloading the CampusGandr app to your smartphone and playing rounds during the fall semester
  • Completing 4 surveys over the next year, each taking 15-20 minutes to complete

Participants can earn up to $130 in e-gift cards of their choice.
  • 4 surveys ($25 per survey)
  • $10 per month if participants play 3 out of 4 weekly rounds (up to $30 earned)

There is no cost to participate in this study.