Join the PANDA Study!
Researchers in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh are inviting teens, ages 14-18, to participate in the Parents/Peers, Adversity, and Neural circuits in Depression among Adolescents (PANDA) research study.

Fast Facts
Teens ages 14-18 years old
Self-Identifies as a sexual orientation other than heterosexual or questioning
Currently in high school
Compensation provided
Conducted in the Pittsburgh Area
About the Study
The purpose of this research study is to understand how social experiences contribute to, or protect against, depression in sexual minority youth.
Participation in this study involves 3 visits (2 virtual and 1 in-person), involving an online clinical interview, undergoing an fMRI scan, and answering questions. fMRI is a touch-free type of brain scan that uses radio waves (not radiation), a magnet, and a computer to help understand brain mechanisms better.
Help us learn more about teenage mental health! Join our study today.

Study Background
The purpose of this research study is to understand how social experiences contribute to, or protect against, depression in sexual minority youth.
Participation in this study involves 3 visits (2 virtual and 1 in-person), involving an online clinical interview, undergoing an fMRI scan, and answering questions. fMRI is a touch-free type of brain scan that uses radio waves (not radiation), a magnet, and a computer to help understand brain mechanisms better.
Help us learn more about teenage mental health! Join our study today.
Additional Information
You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.
- Ages 14-18
- Self-identifies as a sexual minority (other than heterosexual) or is questioning
- Currently in high school
- Right handed
- Experiencing symptoms of depression and/or history of emotional abuse
If you are eligible, your participation will involve two virtual visits and one in-person visit:
- Questionnaires
- Clinical interview
- fMRI scan