Smoking and Vaping Research Study

Researchers from the University at Buffalo are looking for individuals to participate in a vaping and smoking nicotine research study to investigate the effects of withdrawals from one day of smoking cessation. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts

Regular Use of Nicotine vapes and/or cigarettes for at least the past 6 months

Not planning to quit in the next 30 days


Adults ages 21-50 years old

Compensation Provided

Attend 3 visits at UB South Campus

Study Background

The University at Buffalo is looking for individuals to participate in a research study on smoking and vaping nicotine to investigate the effects of withdrawal.

The purpose of this study is to better understand how going without vaping and/or smoking nicotine for one day affects feelings and behavior. This may lead to a more accurate picture of how hard it is to stop vaping and smoking nicotine and give us better ideas of how to help people when they do want to quit.

Further research today and join our compensated study!

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to better understand how going without vaping and/or smoking nicotine for one day affects feelings and behavior. This may lead to a more accurate picture of how hard it is to stop vaping and smoking nicotine and give us better ideas of how to help people when they do want to quit.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria:

Key Criteria:

  • Smoking or vaping daily or almost daily
  • Between the ages of 21-50 years old
  • Not planning to quit smoking or vaping in the next 30 days
  • Able to attend 3 visits at UB South Campus

Once enrolled, this study involves:

  • Phone screen (~15-20 minutes)
  • Orientation visit (1.5 hours): study overview; consent; timeline followback; urine sample for pregnancy test (where applicable), drug test and recent exposure to nicotine; questionnaires; cognitive task practice; heart rate practice.
  • Lab visits (2 at 4 hours each): urine sample for recent exposure to nicotine; questionnaires; cognitive tasks; heart rates at multiple intervals; 1 hour of chill time where you can play Xbox games, watch Netflix, eat snacks we provide, use your phone or computer, etc.; complete a choice activity game.
  • Before one of the lab visits, you will be asked to do your best to NOT smoke or vape for 24 hours prior to the visit.

Compensation is provided up to $335 for your time.

There is no cost to you to participate in this study.