Join Our PTSD Research Study

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus are looking for individuals to participate in a clinical research study on PTSD. The purpose of this study is to learn more about NightWare which uses an Apple Watch to sense when you’re having a nightmare, and sends short vibrations to stop the nightmare without waking you up.

Fast Facts

Have repetitive nightmares that disrupt sleep

22+ years old

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Colorado

Study Background

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus are looking for individuals to participate in a clinical research study on PTSD. The purpose of this study is to learn more about NightWare which uses an Apple Watch to sense when you’re having a nightmare, and sends short vibrations to stop the nightmare without waking you up. We aim to determine whether the NightWare therapeutic intervention improves sleep quality and cardiovascular health for persons who experience nightmares related to trauma.

The study includes 5 in-person visits lasting 2 to 4 hours each. These appointments will include blood draws, non-invasive vascular testing, cognitive tests and more. Each participant will receive a NightWare system, which includes a smartphone, a smartwatch and an app. The intervention period will last 6 weeks, and the whole study will last about 12 to 15 weeks.

Further research today and join our compensated study!

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to determine whether the NightWare therapeutic intervention improves sleep quality and cardiovascular health for persons who experience nightmares related to trauma.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

Key Criteria:

  • Have repetitive nightmares that disrupt sleep
  • 22+ years old

Once enrolled, this 12-15-week study involves:

  • 5 in-person visits lasting 2 to 4 hours each
  • Appointments will include blood draws, an ultrasound, sleep monitoring, cognitive tests and more
  • Each participant will receive a NightWare system, which includes a smartphone, a smartwatch and an app
  • Intervention period will last 6 weeks, and the whole study will last about 12 to 15 weeks

Yes, compensation is provided for your time.

There is no fee to participate in this study.