Help Improve Our Understanding of the Negative Impacts of Alcohol Use

Researchers at Washington State University are partnering with American Indian/Alaska Native adults to learn more about alcohol use and its consequences. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts

american indian & alaska native adults

Use alcohol OR in recovery for using alcohol OR is a family member of someone Currently using substances or currently in recovery

Have internet access and Device for messaging/contact

Conducted nationwide

Study Background

This study will help us learn if questions from a survey correctly reflect the experiences of people who use alcohol. Other surveys that ask about alcohol use often do not think about the unique experiences of American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) people. We’re conducting interviews with individuals from the AI/AN community about their experiences. Our goal is to create a survey specifically to be used with AI/AN people.

If you choose to be in the study, your answers will help researchers and clinicians understand how alcohol use changes AI/AN people’s lives. Learning what these changes are may be able to help improve services and the treatment that people receive. Further research today and join our compensated study!

Washington State University IRB has reviewed and approved this study for human subject participation.

Additional Information

Following this study, we will adapt a survey to better understand the negative consequences of alcohol use for Native people. Our goal is to help improve the questions that researchers, counselors and therapists ask AI/AN people who have experienced negative outcomes from using alcohol.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

Key Criteria:

  • Willing and able to provided informed consent
  • Identify as an American Indian /Alaska Native adult (18+ years old)
  • Have internet access and a device for messaging/contact
  • Fluent in English
  • Currently use alcohol or are in recovery for using alcohol; or a family member of someone currently using substances or in recovery
  • No traumatic brain injuries or other history of seizures

If you choose to be in the study after the initial screening, we will schedule a time to meet online. Then you will complete an interview about a survey we are making for AI/AN adults who use alcohol. The interview will take around 60 to 90 minutes to complete.

Your answers will be recorded by a WSU staff member on a secured password protected cloud. Only approved study staff can see the data. Your personal information will not be linked to your answers. Your answers will be stored under a unique ID and will be confidential.

After you complete the interview, research staff will send a link from Tango to an electronic gift card worth $25 to your email.

There is no cost for you to participate in the study.