Hidradenitis Suppurativa
Research Study

Researchers at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center are partnering with adults diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa to evaluate an investigational treatment.
Join our study today!

Fast Facts

18+ Years Old

Diagnosed with Hidradenitis Suppurativa by a doctor

previous inadequate response to hS medication

may be reimbursed up to $1275 for time and travel

Conducted at BIDMC

Additional Information

The purpose of this clinical research study is to determine if this investigational medication is effective in treating symptoms of hidradenitis suppurativa, such as reducing the amount of lesions.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria:

Key Criteria:

  • Age 18+
  • Received a diagnosis of HS from a doctor
  • HS involves at least 2 anatomical areas (for example: left armpit and right armpit)
  • Currently has 5 or more HS lesions (e.g., bumps, boils, abscesses, fistulas)
  • Have previously had an inadequate response to a pill or injectable treatment for HS

Once enrolled, this study involves:

  • Completing an initial screening visit where you will be asked about your medical and surgical history, complete lab work, and undergo a skin evaluation 
  • Attending follow-up study visits regularly after the initial screening visit, where you will refill your study medication, answer questionnaires, and complete lab work

May be reimbursed up to $1275 for time and travel.

There is no cost for you to participate.