Stimulant Use Disorder Research Study

Researchers at The Indiana University School of Medicine are partnering with adults in early recovery for stimulant use to investigate how virtual reality can help promote drug abstinence. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts

18+ Years Old

In early recovery for stimulant use

stimulants include amphetamines, cocaine, and similar drugs

This study may involve 4 separate visits. You will be compensated for your time up to $230.

conducted in indianapolis, IN

Study Background

Researchers at The Indiana University School of Medicine are conducting a research study to improve Stimulant Use Disorder recovery through the use of technology.

Findings from this clinical research study will determine how technology can aid in stimulant (amphetamines, cocaine, and similar drugs) use disorder recovery. This study involves using virtual reality and telehealth applications to investigate the personality and behavior of people in recovery from addictions.

All study visits are conducted in Indianapolis, Indiana. Participants will complete an in-person interview (3 hours), and then attend the study day (4 hours). There will be a 30-day follow-up visit (1 hour), and a 6-month follow-up visit (1 hour).

Further research today and join our compensated study!

Additional Information

The purpose of this clinical research study is to improve outcomes in adults recovering from Stimulant Use Disorder.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria:

Key Criteria:

  • 18 years or older
  • In early recovery for stimulant use (including amphetamines, cocaine, and similar drugs)
  • Fluent in English
  • No alcohol or illicit drug use in the past 24 hours

Once enrolled, this study involves:

  • Completing an in-person interview (3 hours)
  • Participating on the study day (4 hours)
  • Attending a 30-day and 6-month follow-up visit (1 hour each)

This study may involve 4 separate visits. You will be compensated for your time up to $230.

There is no cost for you to participate.