Meth Use Research Study
Researchers at Highland Hospital are partnering with individuals who use methamphetamines and opioids to evaluate how a medication can help. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts
methamphetamine and opioid use
interested in reducing or quitting meth use
18-65 years old
Compensation Provided
Conducted in Oakland, CA
Study Background
Are you interested in reducing or quitting your methamphetamine use?
We need your participation to help the study team determine if an injection medication, compared to a placebo injection, can help people stop or reduce their methamphetamine use.
Participation is completely voluntary and involves 12 weeks of injection medication, as well as weekly therapy conducted by a medical clinician.
Your participation in this study may help researchers improve treatment approaches to reduce meth use. Further research today and join our compensated study!

Study Background
Are you interested in reducing or quitting your methamphetamine use?
We need your participation to help the study team determine if an injection medication, compared to a placebo injection, can help people stop or reduce their methamphetamine use.
Participation is completely voluntary and involves 12 weeks of injection medication, as well as weekly therapy conducted by a medical clinician.
Your participation in this study may help researchers improve treatment approaches to reduce meth use. Further research today and join our compensated study!
Additional Information
You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.
Key Criteria:
- 18-65 years old
- Moderate to severe methamphetamine use disorder
- Also use opioids
- Understand and speak English
- Willing to follow all study procedures and medication instructions
Participants will be asked to come to Bridge Clinic twice a week. Study visits will last about 1 to 3 hours, but some may be shorter or longer.
Participants will be asked questions about their substance use, mental and physical health, and complete questionnaires to tell us about their feelings and symptoms. They will also be asked to provide urine samples, to test for substances in their system. Participants will not be penalized for substances detected in their system at any time.
Throughout the study, participants will be scheduled for blood draws to check general health. Participants will also receive weekly cognitive behavioral therapy which will be conducted by a medical clinician.
The study medication, buprenorphine, is a monthly injection and will be given over 12 weeks.