Chronic Back Pain
Online Treatment Study
Researchers at CU Anschutz are partnering with individuals who have chronic back pain to evaluate how mind-body treatments can help. Racial and ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts
chronic back pain for 3+ months
reliable internet access
18 Years and Older
Compensation Provided
Conducted remotely nationwide
Study Background
In many cases of chronic pain, the pain is caused by interactions between the body and brain, and mind-body treatments have been found to be safe and effective. In this research study, we are testing a mind-body treatment for chronic pain. Using a mind-body model, we can assess how feelings and interactions influence pain.
Your participation in this study may help researchers improve treatment approaches for chronic pain. Advance research today by joining our compensated study!

Study Background
In many cases of chronic pain, the pain is caused by interactions between the body and brain, and mind-body treatments have been found to be safe and effective. In this research study, we are testing a mind-body treatment for chronic pain. Using a mind-body model, we can assess how feelings and interactions influence pain.
Your participation in this study may help researchers improve treatment approaches for chronic pain. Advance research today by joining our compensated study!
Additional Information
You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.
Key Criteria:
- 18 years and older
- Back pain for at least 3 months
- Reliable internet access
- Racial/ethnic minorities are encouraged to apply
Exclusion Criteria:
- Back surgery in the past 2 years
- Recent spinal fractures or tumors
- Diagnosis of: rheumatoid arthritis, polymyalgia rheumatica, scleroderma, Lupus, or polymyositis
First, we will ask you to complete several online surveys. Then, if eligible for the study, you will be randomized (like a coin flip) to one of three conditions. You will be randomized to either one of two different psychological treatments for chronic pain or to a control group without any treatment.
If you are randomized to a treatment group, you will complete 9 telehealth treatment sessions with a clinician that will take place around twice a week over about 1 or 1.5 months. If you are randomized to a no-treatment group, we would ask you to simply continue whatever care you are already receiving for your back pain. At the end, we will ask you to complete another round of surveys.
The active psychological treatment group will include 9 sessions over about 1 month, and sessions will take place biweekly. Each session will last around 45 minutes and will be conducted through telehealth. Treatments will focus on how thoughts and behaviors influence pain.