Teen Cannabis Use
Research Study
Researchers at the University of Minnesota are partnering with teens 15-18 who use marijuana regularly for a brain imaging study. Join our confidential study today!

Fast Facts
you use marijuana regularly
your parent is willing to provide informed consent
you are 15-18 years old
Compensation Provided
Conducted in twin cities, MN
Study Background
We want to learn more about how regular cannabis use affects your brain’s reward centers. To find out, we’re conducting a research study with teens who regularly use cannabis. We’ll ask some teens to stop, and some teens to continue, and then perform brain imaging scans to observe the differences.
If you’re a teen 15-18 who regularly uses cannabis, and your parent is willing to provide written informed consent, you might qualify to participate! The entire study is confidential and compensation is provided. Help advance research today and join our study!

Study Background
We want to learn more about how regular cannabis use affects your brain’s reward centers. To find out, we’re conducting a research study with teens who regularly use cannabis. We’ll ask some teens to stop, and some teens to continue, and then perform brain imaging scans to observe the differences.
If you’re a teen 15-18 who regularly uses cannabis, and your parent is willing to provide written informed consent, you might qualify to participate! The entire study is confidential and compensation is provided. Help advance research today and join our study!
Additional Information
Potential study participants should meet the following criteria.
Key Criteria:
- 15-18 years old
- Used marijuana at least 5 days a week in the past two months
- Have a parent or legal guardian willing to provide written informed consent
- Native English speaker and parent/guardian is fluent in English
- No active psychosis or current antipsychotic medications
- No current problems with other substances (like alcohol, nicotine, or other drugs)
- Able to complete an MRI brain scan (no metal in your body)
- Not currently struggling with suicidal thoughts/behaviors
If you are eligible, this study involves 8 study visits over 6 weeks.
- Visit 1 (days 1-2): Eligibility screening and baseline assessment. This includes informed consent and assent, clinical assessment, self-report measures, and a urine sample. The second day includes an MRI brain scan and more self-report measures.
- Visit 2 (day 4): participant report measures and urine sample.
- Visit 3 (1 week): participant report measures and urine sample.
- Visit 4 (2 weeks): participant report measures and urine sample.
- Visit 5 (3 weeks): participant report measures, fMRI brain scan, and lab tests.
- Visit 6 (4 weeks): participant report measures and urine sample.
- Visit 7 (5 weeks): participant report measures and urine sample.
- Visit 8 (6 weeks): participant report measures, fMRI brain scan, and lab tests.