Research Study
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder are examining the effects of inspiratory muscle strength training on systolic blood pressure and cardiovascular health. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts
50+ years old
Systolic Blood Pressure Between 115-160 mmHg
Not a smoker
Compensation Provided
conducted in Boulder, CO
Study Background
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder are conducting a research study to evaluate how a new form of exercise training affects the health of your arteries and other functions of your body.
Participants will complete either inspiratory muscle strength training, which involves using a device to breathe in against resistance, or moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in the form of brisk walking. Your health will be assessed before and after the three-month training period.
Findings from this clinical research study will provide information on whether inspiratory muscle training can lower systolic blood pressure, and improve endothelial, cerebrovascular and cognitive function.
Join our compensated study!
Study Background
Researchers at the University of Colorado Boulder are conducting a research study to evaluate how a new form of exercise training affects the health of your arteries and other functions of your body.
Participants will complete either inspiratory muscle strength training, which involves using a device to breathe in against resistance, or moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in the form of brisk walking. Your health will be assessed before and after the three month training period.
Findings from this clinical research study will provide information on whether inspiratory muscle training can lower systolic blood pressure, and improve endothelial, cerebrovascular and cognitive function.
Join our compensated study!

Additional Information
You may qualify for this research study if you meet the following criteria.
Key Criteria:
- Age 50+
- Systolic blood pressure between 115-160 mmHg
- Not a smoker
If you consent to participate, you may partake in the following procedures:
- Screening
- Consent, blood draw, exercise stress test, questionnaires, blood pressure screening, physical exam
- Baseline Testing
- Blood pressure and blood draw
- Blood vessel function, artery stiffness, carotid artery elasticity,
- Cerebrovascular and cognitive function
- Maximal exercise test (Vo2 max test)
- Intervention
- For 3 months: you will either be randomized to the inspiratory muscle strength training group which will involve 6 days a week of ~5 minutes of breathing training per day, or you will be asked to walk briskly 6 days a week, 25 minutes each session.
- You will visit our facility 6 times during the 3 months of the intervention to check in with the study team, perform supervised training sessions, and assess your maximal inspiratory pressure.
- Post-Testing
- Blood pressure and blood draw
- Blood vessel function, artery stiffness, carotid artery elasticity
- Cerebrovascular and cognitive function
- Maximal exercise test (Vo2 max test)
- Follow-Up Testing (~6 weeks after post-testing and stopping the intervention)
- Blood pressure and blood draw
- Blood vessel function and artery stiffness