Alcohol Use Research Study

Researchers at Brown University are partnering with young adults who drink alcohol to participate in one of three studies on alcohol use among young adults. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts

Drink Alcohol

Are not currently in four-year college

18-29 years old

Compensation Provided


Study Background

Brown University is looking for individuals ages 18-29 who drink alcohol to participate in research studies about alcohol use among young adults. Participants must not currently attend a four-year college/university. Three studies are being conducted by our researchers.

POST is a study of the intersection between alcohol use and social media use. One part involves an individual interview, and one part involves an online survey and the option to provide a social media handle for researchers to review posts.

A-FRAME is a study to test a mobile app that personalizes feedback about one’s drinking. It involves an initial survey, follow-up surveys, and for some, 28 days of daily surveys with the option to view personalized feedback.

Advance research today and join one of our compensated studies!

Principal Investigator: Jennifer Merrill, PhD
Protocols: 2022003304 and 2022003299

Additional Information

The long-term goals of these studies are to understand drinking behavior among young adults of various backgrounds, and to find ways to help people who drink avoid the negative consequences of alcohol. While we are interested in learning from all young adults, we want to be sure to increase representation of those who are not currently enrolled in 4-year college and who have not earned a 4-year degree, because this group has traditionally been left out of both research and intervention efforts.

You may qualify for one of these studies if you meet the following criteria:

  • Between 18-29 years old

  • Drink alcohol

  • Do not currently attend a four-year college

  • Post about alcohol on social media

Study Includes:

Study 1 Design (POST survey):

This study involves a single online survey. You will also be asked to provide a screenshot of a post about alcohol from your personal social media page. You will also be given the option to provide your social media handle.

Study 2 Design (POST interview):

A single virtual, one hour, one-on-one interview.

Study 3 Design (AFRAME):

This study involves a virtual onboarding appointment and a baseline survey. This is followed by 28 days of brief daily surveys (~3 minutes) and the option to view feedback about your drinking following each drinking day. There is a survey at the end of 28 days and a survey again 3 months later.

Up to $138 compensation is provided.

There is no cost for you to participate in this study.