BCFS001227-ULouisville-Levinson-157 [Screening Form Consent Page]
Dear Participant, You are being invited to participate in the prescreening phase of Facing Eating Disorder Fears, a research study with two conditions: Treatment as Usual with Self-Monitoring, and the Facing Eating Disorder Fears condition. This study is being conducted by Cheri Levinson, PhD. The study is located at the University of Louisville, Department of […]
BCFS001227-ULouisville-Levinson-157 [Thank you]
Thank you! Submission received! If you have any questions about the study or participation, please reach out to the study team any time. CONTACT INFORMATION Principal Investigator: Cheri Levinson, PhD Phone: 502-852-7710 Email: calevi01@louisville.edu Terms of Service Privacy Policy Terms of Service Privacy Policy
BCFS001227-ULouisville-Levinson-157 [Screening Form]
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BCFS001227-ULouisville-Levinson-157 [Landing Page]
Apply Now Remote Anorexia Nervosa Research Study The University of Louisville is seeking individuals who have had symptoms of anorexia nervosa or atypical anorexia to participate in a study focused on investigating and treating symptoms, anxiety, and relapse. Apply Now Fast Facts Have Ever had Anorexia Nervosa or Atypical Anorexia Nervosa 18-65 Years Old Compensation […]