BCFS001489-Altimmune-Hinchliffe-7-MUSC [Landing Page]

Apply Now Alcohol Use Research Study Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) are conducting a study on alcohol use for individuals who are overweight or obese and who are interested in reducing or quitting drinking. Apply Now Fast Facts Regular Alcohol User Interested in Reducing or Quitting Use Not Using Medication to Treat […]

BCFS001489-Altimmune-Hinchliffe-7-UCLA [Landing Page]

Apply Now Alcohol Use Research Study Researchers at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) are conducting a study on alcohol use for individuals who are overweight or obese and who are interested in reducing or quitting drinking. Apply Now Fast Facts Regular Alcohol User Interested in Reducing or Quitting Use Not Using Medication to Treat Alcohol Use […]

BCFS001489-Altimmune-Hinchliffe-7-OSU-CHS [Landing Page]

Apply Now Alcohol Use Research Study Researchers at Oklahoma State University Health Sciences are conducting a study on alcohol use for individuals who are overweight or obese and who are interested in reducing or quitting drinking. Apply Now Fast Facts Regular Alcohol User Interested in Reducing or Quitting Use Not Using Medication to Treat Alcohol Use […]