BCFS00775-Georgetown-Barr-InfantDevelopment [Landing Page – version 2]

Parenting and Infant Development Study Researchers at Georgetown University and the University of Wisconsin are interested in learning about your experience as a parent of an infant ages 10-23 months. Join our study and get paid for your time! See If I Qualify Fast Facts – Parent of infant (10-23 Months) – Compensation provided – […]

BCFS00775-Georgetown-Barr-InfantDevelopment-Spanish [Landing Page]

Estudio Sobre Paternidad y Desarrollo Infantil Investigadores de la Universidad de Georgetown y la Universidad de Wisconsin están interesados en aprender sobre su experiencia como un padre de un niño de 10-23 meses. Participa en nuestro estudio y recibe pago por su tiempo. Verifica Si Cumples Los Requisitos Datos Rápidos: – Padre de un infantil […]

BCFS00775-Georgetown-Barr-InfantDevelopment [Landing Page]

Parenting and Infant Development Study Researchers at Georgetown University and the University of Wisconsin are interested in learning about your experience as a parent of an infant ages 10-23 months. Join our study and get paid for your time! See If I Qualify Fast Facts – Parent of infant (10-23 Months) – Compensation provided – […]