BCFS00871-MUSC-Saraiya-OUD [Landing Page]

Apply Now Therapy for Trauma & Opioid Use Research Study Dr. Tanya Saraiya at the Medical University of South Carolina is studying a new therapy for trauma and Opioid Use Disorder. We are looking for participants who have experienced a trauma, such as combat, rape, or assault, and who are taking medication to help their […]

BCFS00871-Rutgers-Saraiya-OUD [Landing Page]

Apply Now Therapy for Trauma & Opioid Use Research Study Dr. Tanya Saraiya at Rutgers University – New Brunswick’s Center for Alcohol and Substance Use Studies is studying a new therapy for trauma and Opioid Use Disorder. We are looking for participants who have experienced a trauma, such as combat, rape, or assault, and who […]