Remote Teen Eating Research Study

Researchers at the University of Connecticut are conducting a study to learn more about the relationship between social experiences, binge eating, and emotion in Black teens.

Fast Facts

Black Teen Ages 14-17

Higher Body Weight

Compensation Provided

Conducted Remotely

Study Background

Join the VOICES (Views on identity Consumption and Experiencing Stigma) Study!

The purpose of this study to learn more about when and why Black teens, an under-researched demographic, binge eat.  

We are investigating the relationship between between social experiences (including racist experiences), binge eating, and emotion in Black teens. This study is entirely virtual and will last approximately 2 weeks. During this time, participants will use a smartphone app to answer prompts about their eating and other behaviors periodically throughout the day.

Make your VOICES heard by joining this compensated study!

Study Background

Join the VOICES (Views on identity Consumption and Experiencing Stigma) Study!

The purpose of this study to learn more about when and why Black teens, an under-researched demographic, binge eat.  

We are investigating the relationship between between social experiences (including racist experiences), binge eating, and emotion in Black teens. This study is entirely virtual and will last approximately 2 weeks. During this time, participants will use a smartphone app to answer prompts about their eating and other behaviors periodically throughout the day.

Make your VOICES heard by joining this compensated study!

Additional Information

The purpose of this study to learn more about when and why Black teens binge eat.  

You or your teen may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Black teen ages 14-17
  • Higher body weight
  • Experience eating without knowing the reason or feel unable to stop eating
  • Have access to a smartphone or WiFi

This study will last approximately 2 weeks, and will be conducted completely remotely. 

After the initial Zoom call, participants will download a smartphone app. Over the 2-week period, they will use this app to answer prompts throughout the day about their eating, social experiences, and emotions.

There will also be a final Zoom call at the end of the study. 

Participants can receive up to $195 for their time and effort. 

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.