Pediatric Visual Health Research Study

Researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles are conducting a study in children ages 12 months to 12 years to learn more about visual perception and processing.

Fast Facts

Ages 12 Months to 12 Years

No Eye Conditions

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Los Angeles, CA

Study Background

Researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles want to learn more about visual function in children with genetic disorders involving chromosome 15 (Angelman syndrome and 15q duplication syndrome).

For this research study, we are looking for healthy pediatric volunteers to help us better understand visual perception and processing. Comparing the differences between children with 15q disorders and healthy volunteer children may help develop better treatments for children with this genetic condition. 

This study involves one in-person visit to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, which participants can expect to last approximately one hour. Participating children will complete various assessments with a pediatric ophthalmologist including vision assessments and questionnaires. 

Help us learn more about visual health in children by joining this compensated study!

Study Background

Researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles want to learn more about visual function in children with genetic disorders involving chromosome 15 (Angelman syndrome and 15q duplication syndrome).

For this research study, we are looking for healthy pediatric volunteers to help us better understand visual perception and processing. Comparing the differences between children with 15q disorders and healthy volunteer children may help develop better treatments for children with this genetic condition. 

This study involves one in-person visit to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, which participants can expect to last approximately one hour. Participating children will complete various assessments with a pediatric ophthalmologist including vision assessments and questionnaires. 

Help us learn more about visual health in children by joining this compensated study!

Additional Information

Researchers at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles want to learn more about visual function in children with genetic disorders involving chromosome 15 (Angelman syndrome and 15q duplication syndrome). They are looking for healthy pediatric volunteers to help better understand visual perception and processing.

Your family may qualify for a study if your child meets the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 12 months-12 years
  • No neurologic or neurodevelopmental diagnosis (e.g., autism, epilepsy, ADHD)
  • No eye conditions (glasses or contact lenses are allowed)
  • Speak English

This study involves one in-person visit to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, which participants can expect to last approximately one hour. Participants will complete various assessments with a pediatric ophthalmologist including:

  • Eye exam
  • Vision assessments
  • Questionnaires completed by parents about the child’s visual function


Questionnaires can be completed online or via email before the study visit.

Participating families will receive a $60 gift card and parking validation for their time and effort.

There is no cost for your family to participate in our research study.