Smoking Research Study

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina are conducting a study to investigate how a potential menthol ban for cigarettes affects cigarette use.

Fast Facts

Daily Smoker of Menthol Cigarettes

21+ Years Old

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Lancaster, SC

Study Background

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina are conducting a study to investigate how a potential menthol ban for cigarettes affects cigarette use, and the ability to abstain from smoking among current menthol smokers.

The FDA is planning to implement a ban on menthol cigarettes but has not stated whether they plan to remove menthol-flavored e-liquids from the market. This study will help us understand how this plan might affect current menthol users.

This study will require 6 in-person visits and 3 phone assessments over a period of 8 weeks. You will complete a 1-week baseline period in which you will receive your normal cigarettes to use for free. After the baseline week, you will receive a supply of your assigned study cigarettes. You can also receive nicotine patches if you want them. In the following 7 weeks, you will complete bi-weekly in-person visits where you will receive additional cigarettes as needed, complete questionnaires, and provide breath (by exhaling into a device) and urine samples.

Study Background

Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina are conducting a study to investigate how a potential menthol ban for cigarettes affects cigarette use, and the ability to abstain from smoking among current menthol smokers.

The FDA is planning to implement a ban on menthol cigarettes but has not stated whether they plan to remove menthol-flavored e-liquids from the market. This study will help us understand how this plan might affect current menthol users.

This study will require 6 in-person visits and 3 phone assessments over a period of 8 weeks. You will complete a 1-week baseline period in which you will receive your normal cigarettes to use for free. After the baseline week, you will receive a supply of your assigned study cigarettes. You can also receive nicotine patches if you want them. In the following 7 weeks, you will complete bi-weekly in-person visits where you will receive additional cigarettes as needed, complete questionnaires, and provide breath (by exhaling into a device) and urine samples.

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to investigate how a potential menthol ban for cigarettes affects cigarette use, and the ability to abstain from smoking among current menthol smokers.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 21+
  • Daily cigarette smoker
  • Use primarily menthol cigarettes
Exclusion Criteria:
  • Not currently using any smoking cessation medications (e.g., patches, gum)
  • If female – not pregnant, breastfeeding, or trying to become pregnant
  • Not planning to move out of the Charleston area within the next 3 months
  • No recent history of cardiovascular distress

This study requires you to complete 6 in-person visits and 3 phone assessments over a period of 8 weeks. Once enrolled, this study involves:

  • A 1-week baseline period in which you will receive your normal cigarettes to use for free. After the baseline week, you will receive a supply of your assigned study cigarettes. You can also receive nicotine patches if you want them.
  • In the following 7 weeks, you will complete bi-weekly in-person visits where you will receive additional cigarettes as needed, complete questionnaires, and provide breath and urine samples. To confirm your visits, our study staff will text you a reminder of the visit one business day before it is scheduled. It is important you confirm your appointment or let us know if you need to reschedule. If we do not receive confirmation at least two hours before your scheduled appointment time, staff may not be available to complete the visit as scheduled.
  • On weeks where you are not attending an in-person visit you will complete questionnaires over the phone with a member of our study team. In the final week of the study, you will complete a Practice Quit Attempt. In order to complete these assessments and participate in the study, you need to have access to a personal e-mail address and/or smartphone with internet/data access where you can receive text messages. If you do not have a personal device with internet access, we can provide one for you.

In return for your time and effort, you will be paid up to $270 for attending all study visits.

You will receive $50 for completing the screening assessment if you’re eligible. If you’re ineligible, you will receive $15 and be dismissed from the study.

You will receive $50 for completing the Week 0/Randomization and Week 6 visits, $25 for Weeks 2, 4, and 7 visits, and $15 for Weeks 1, 3, and 5 phone calls. You can also earn up to $25 per week for completing daily electronic diaries about your tobacco use (up to $200 across all 8 weeks).

You can earn up to an additional $157.50 for maintaining abstinence throughout the Practice Quit Attempt Week, which will be paid at your Week 7 visit.

Thus, if you complete all calls and visits, complete all electronic daily diaries, maintain abstinence throughout the Practice Quit Attempt week, and return all unused products at each visit, you could earn up to $652.50 for participating in the study.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.