Cannabis Use Research Study

Researchers at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus are conducting a study to learn more about how cannabidiol (CBD) may impact cannabis use, effects, mood, and cognition.

Fast Facts

Ages 18-25

Use Cannabis Regularly

Compensation Provided

Conducted in
Denver, CO

Study Background

Researchers at CU Anschutz are studying how CBD affects cannabis use, mood, and cognition, in regular cannabis users ages 18-25.

We are seeking regular cannabis users ages 18-25 to participate in a cannabis use research study. The study involves four visits over approximately 12 weeks: one on-campus screening and three home-based visits in our mobile pharmacology lab. Participants will undergo a physical exam, lab tests, provide urine and blood samples, take alcohol breathalyzer tests, and receive either CBD or a placebo.

Join our compensated study today!

Study Background

Researchers at CU Anschutz are studying how CBD affects cannabis use, mood, and cognition, in regular cannabis users ages 18-25.

We are seeking regular cannabis users ages 18-25 to participate in a cannabis use research study. The study involves four visits over approximately 12 weeks: one on-campus screening and three home-based visits in our mobile pharmacology lab. Participants will undergo a physical exam, lab tests, provide urine and blood samples, take alcohol breathalyzer tests, and receive either CBD or a placebo.

Join our compensated study today!

Additional Information

The purpose of this research study is to learn more about how cannabidiol (CBD) may impact cannabis use, effects, mood, and cognition.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 18-25
  • Regular user of cannabis
  • Not currently seeking to cut down or stop cannabis use
  • No use of any illicit substance besides alcohol, nicotine, or cannabis
  • No alcohol use on 3 or more days per week, and/or >3 drinks per drinking day
  • No daily nicotine use
  • If female, not pregnant or breastfeeding

Your study participation will include 4 visits over about 12 weeks, with an on-campus screening visit and three home-based visits in our mobile pharmacology lab, a specially equipped van.

During the research study, you will have a physical exam and lab tests, give urine and blood samples, do alcohol breathalyzer tests, answer questions and complete questionnaires, and take CBD or placebo.

As a participant, you can receive up to $500 for completing all study visits. 

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.