Smoking Research Study

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine are conducting  a study using brain scans to look at activity and how it differs between those who smoke cigarettes/cigars, and those who use cocaine. 

Fast Facts

Ages 40-60

Smoke cigarettes or cigars

Identify as Black/ African American

Compensation Provided

Conducted in New Haven, CT

Study Background

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine are using brain scans to examine how brain activity varies between people who smoke cigarettes or cigars and those who use cocaine.

This study aims to look at brain activity using PET scans to see how it differs between people who use cocaine and those who are healthy. To make sure the comparisons are fair, participants will be matched with healthy controls based on their sex, age (within 5 years), and whether they use nicotine.

After a phone screening, eligible participants will go through an in-person check-up that includes filling out questionnaires, having a physical exam, and getting blood and urine tests as well as an ECG. If they meet all the requirements, they will then have a PET scan and an MRI, which should be completed in one or two additional visits.

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Study Background

Researchers at the Yale School of Medicine are using brain scans to examine how brain activity varies between people who smoke cigarettes or cigars and those who use cocaine.

This study aims to look at brain activity using PET scans to see how it differs between people who use cocaine and those who are healthy. To make sure the comparisons are fair, participants will be matched with healthy controls based on their sex, age (within 5 years), and whether they use nicotine.

After a phone screening, eligible participants will go through an in-person check-up that includes filling out questionnaires, having a physical exam, and getting blood and urine tests as well as an ECG. If they meet all the requirements, they will then have a PET scan and an MRI, which should be completed in one or two additional visits.

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Additional Information

This study is being done to understand how brain activity differs between people who smoke cigarettes or cigars and those who use cocaine. By comparing these two groups using brain scans, researchers aim to gain insights into how these substances affect the brain in different ways.

Participants may qualify for this study if they meet the following criteria:

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 40-60
  • Smoke cigarettes or cigars
  • Identify as Black or African American
  • Able to undergo MRI (no metal in the body, no claustrophobia)
  • Physically healthy

Exclusion Criteria:

  • History of significant and/or uncontrolled medical or neurological illness
  • Use of psychotropic and/or potentially psychoactive prescription medications
  • Medical contraindications to administration of radioactivity

If you participate in this study, here’s what you can expect:

  1. Phone Screening: First, you will go through a phone screening to determine if you’re eligible for the study.

  2. In-Person Screening: If you pass the phone screening, you will come in for an in-person screening. This will include filling out questionnaires, having a physical exam, and getting blood and urine tests, as well as an electrocardiogram (ECG).

  3. Eligibility Check: Based on the results of the in-person screening, if you meet all the requirements, you will then proceed with the study procedures.

  4. PET Scan and MRI: You will undergo one PET scan and one MRI to assess brain activity. These imaging procedures might be completed in one or two additional visits.

Compensation is provided up to $750 for your participation.

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