Opioid Use Family and/or Couples Support

Do you have a loved one struggling with opioids? Maryland Treatment Centers can provider free coaching/counseling and a support group to help get them connected with treatment.


Fast Facts

Related To OR In A Relationship With Someone Using Opioids

Interested In Helping Get Your Loved One Into Treatment​

Your Loved One Is Not Currently In Treatment Or Recovery

Conducted in Maryland


Maryland Treatment Centers are conducting a clinical pilot project to help individuals using opioids to initiate treatment.

This project will provide resources to people related to/in a relationship with someone with an opioid problem. A therapist will engage with the significant other to provide coaching, support groups, and online tools aimed at getting their loved one into treatment.

The free clinical services provided by a therapist help build opioid recovery support networks to engage and retain individuals struggling with opioids.

Help get your loved one into treatment and join our opioid use family support clinical project!


Researchers at Maryland Treatment Centers are conducting a clinical pilot project to help individuals using opioids to initiate treatment.

This project will provide resources to people related to/in a relationship with someone with an opioid problem. A therapist will engage with the significant other to provide coaching, support groups, and online tools aimed at getting their loved one into treatment.

The free clinical services provided by a therapist help build opioid recovery support networks to engage and retain individuals struggling with opioids.

Help get your loved one into treatment and join our opioid use family support clinical project!

Additional Information

The purpose of this project is to promote treatment initiation in people struggling with opioid use by providing free resources to their concerned significant others.

You may qualify for this project if you meet the following criteria:

Key Criteria:

  • Related to/in a relationship with someone who uses opioids
  • Interested in helping to get your loved one into treatment for opioid use
  • Your loved one is not currently in treatment/recovery
  • You are a Maryland resident

Once enrolled, concerned significant others will receive free clinical services provided by a therapist (e.g. individual therapy, support group, etc.).

Compensation is not provided, but participants will receive free clinical services from a therapist.

There is no cost for you to participate.