Technology Assisted Treatment for Binge Eating

The Minnesota Center for Eating Disorders Research is looking for adults who experience binge eating episodes to participate in a study aimed at advancing technology for detecting these behaviors.

Fast Facts

Experience Symptoms of Binge Eating

18-65 Years Old

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Twin Cities, MN

Study Background

Researchers are developing an app to help treat eating disorders.

The purpose of this study is to develop a smartwatch app that integrates the detection of binge-eating occurrences and contextual interventions. It is hoped that by developing this technology, that it can be used to develop more effective treatments for binge eating. If you were to participate in this study, you would be asked to complete 3 research visits. The visits will be in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota. The first visit will take about 3-4 hours. You will complete questionnaires about your mood, as well as interviews about your eating habits and psychological experiences. For 8 weeks following, participants will be asked to test a beta-version of an app that detects binge eating and integrates contextual interventions. In weeks 4 and 8, participants will have another visit, which take up to 3 hours, and complete questionnaires and interviews about mood, eating habits, and the app. Following the completion of the third visit, participants will be compensated $100.

Study Background

Researchers are developing an app to help treat eating disorders.

The purpose of this study is to develop a smartwatch app that integrates the detection of binge-eating occurrences and contextual interventions. It is hoped that by developing this technology, that it can be used to develop more effective treatments for binge eating. If you are eligible and choose to participate in this study, you would be asked to complete 3 research visits at the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota. Your participation will include questionnaires about your mood, as well as interviews about your eating habits and psychological experiences. Additionally, for 8 weeks following, participants will be asked to test a beta-version of an app that detects binge eating and integrates contextual interventions with follow up visits in weeks 4 and 8. Following the completion of the third visit, participants will be compensated $100.

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to develop a smartwatch app that integrates the detection of binge-eating occurrences and contextual interventions. It is hoped that by developing this technology, it can be used to develop more effective treatments for binge eating.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 18-65
  • Engage in binge eating or experience loss of control over eating 2+ times per week
  • No history of psychosis or bipolar disorder
  • If female, not pregnant or breastfeeding
  • No substance use disorder in the past 6 months
  • No suicidal ideation

If you were to participate in this study, you would be asked to complete 3 research visits. The visits will be in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Minnesota. The first visit will take about 3-4 hours. You will complete questionnaires about your mood, as well as interviews about your eating habits and psychological experiences. For 8 weeks following, participants will be asked to test a beta-version of an app that detects binge eating and integrates contextual interventions. In weeks 4 and 8, participants will have another visit, which take up to 3 hours, and complete questionnaires and interviews about mood, eating habits, and the app. Following the completion of the third visit, participants will be compensated $100.

As a participant, you can be compensated up to $100 for your time and effort.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.