Remote Tobacco Use Research Study

Researchers at The Ohio State University are conducting a study aimed at learning more about health and tobacco in young people’s environments.

Fast Facts

Ages 16-25

Use Tobacco Regularly

Compensation Provided

Live in California, Connecticut, Ohio, or North Carolina

Study Background

The Ohio State University aims to learn how young people get their tobacco products.

Researchers at The Ohio State University are looking for teens and young adults to participate in an online focus group. Participation involves taking part in a 1-hour online session with other people your age where you will talk about your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors related to health. You will also take a short (5-minute) survey about yourself.

Study Background

The Ohio State University aims to learn how young people get their tobacco products.

Researchers at The Ohio State University are looking for teens and young adults to participate in an online focus group. Participation involves taking part in a 1-hour online session with other people your age where you will talk about your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors related to health. You will also take a short (5-minute) survey about yourself.

Additional Information

This study is aimed at learning more about health and tobacco in young people’s environments. In particular, we’re interested in learning more about how young people get their tobacco products.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

  • Ages 16-25
  • Use tobacco regularly (ex. cigarettes, vapes, nicotine pouches, cigars, cigarillos, smokeless tobacco, hookah)
  • Live in California, Connecticut, Ohio, or North Carolina

Participation involves taking part in a 1-hour online session with other people your age where you will talk about your thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors related to health. You will also take a short (5-minute) survey about yourself.

Compensation is provided up to $50 for your participation.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.