Memory & Sleep Research Study

Researchers at Emory University are conducting a study for older adults who may have mild cognitive impairment to test the effects of citicoline on memory and sleep.

Fast Facts

Diagnosed or Showing Symptoms of Mild Cognitive Impairment

50+ Years Old

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Atlanta, GA

Study Background

Impact of Citicoline on Sleep and Biomarkers in Persons with or with suspected Mild Cognitive Impairment

You are invited to participate in a study exploring whether a dietary supplement, citicoline, has an impact on sleep health and biomarkers (a marker of your condition).

This dietary supplement has been tested and used safely in cognitive impairment populations before for other conditions. This study involves two research study visits: one at baseline, and one at a three-month follow up. Some participants will be given the dietary supplement citicoline, and others will be given a placebo (pretend treatment). We will assess your sleep health and cognition at both research study visits. We will also collect biological samples.

Eventually, the findings of this study might be useful for treating mild cognitive impairment and improving people’s quality of life.

Study Background

Impact of Citicoline on Sleep and Biomarkers in Persons with or with suspected Mild Cognitive Impairment

You are invited to participate in a study exploring whether a dietary supplement, citicoline, has an impact on sleep health and biomarkers (a marker of your condition).

This dietary supplement has been tested and used safely in cognitive impairment populations before for other conditions. This study involves two research study visits: one at baseline, and one at a three-month follow up. Some participants will be given the dietary supplement citicoline, and others will be given a placebo (pretend treatment). We will assess your sleep health and cognition at both research study visits. We will also collect biological samples.

Eventually, the findings of this study might be useful for treating mild cognitive impairment and improving people’s quality of life.

Additional Information

Citicoline is a nutritional supplement that may have protective effects on the brain. We want to find out whether taking citicoline will improve sleep and biomarkers for people with mild cognitive impairment.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 50+
  • Diagnosed with or showing symptoms of mild cognitive impairment (MCI)
  • Experiencing poor sleep quality
  • Have internet and email access
  • No use of choline supplements
  • No epilepsy or head trauma resulting in unconsciousness in the past 2 years
  • No known allergic reactions to components of Citicoline
  • No history of alcohol dependence and drug abuse
  • Do not work night shifts, regularly experience jet lag, or have an irregular work schedule that affects your sleep patterns
  • Can read and understand English

The entire study lasts about 3 months. Once enrolled, the study involves:

  • In the lab: 2 visits where we will assess your sleep health, thinking, and memory, as well as collect some biological samples. The first visit will be at the start of the study and the second visit will be three months later.
  • From home: You will be randomly assigned to either take citicoline or a placebo treatment. You will not know which one you are taking.

As a participant, you can receive up to $300 for your time and effort.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.