Remote Communication Research Study

Researchers at Miami University are conducting a study to develop a social communication assessment for adolescents and young adults with communication disabilities.

Fast Facts

Ages 14-21

Diagnosed with a Communication Disability

Compensation Provided

Conducted Remotely

Study Background

Help us evaluate the Transition Pragmatics Interview (TPI), a new assessment of social communication!

We are developing an assessment to help adolescents and young adults with communication disabilities, and we need your help to test it out!

The Transition Pragmatics Interview (TPI) is designed to gather information that will help professionals identify specific social communication intervention goals tailored to each participant. Through this research study, we hope to prove that this assessment provides consistent results that professionals can rely on.

Help further research by joining this remote, compensated study!

Study Background

Help us evaluate the Transition Pragmatics Interview (TPI), a new assessment of social communication!

We are developing an assessment to help adolescents and young adults with communication disabilities, and we need your help to test it out!

The Transition Pragmatics Interview (TPI) is designed to gather information that will help professionals identify specific social communication intervention goals tailored to each participant. Through this research study, we hope to prove that this assessment provides consistent results that professionals can rely on.

Help further research by joining this remote, compensated study!

Additional Information

The purpose of this research study is to evaluate and test the Transition Pragmatics Interview (TPI), an assessment designed to potentially help adolescents and young adults with communication disabilities.

You or your child may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 14-21
  • Diagnosed with autism, ADHD, a learning disability, or speech or language impairment
  • English is your first language
  • No history of traumatic brain injury or a serious concussion
  • Typical hearing and normal (or corrected to normal with glasses or contacts) vision
  • Have access to a device with a camera, microphone and sound for video conferencing

This study will last approximately 1 hour, and will be conducted via Zoom.

First, participants will receive a phone call about the study, and will complete an online consent form. 

During the Zoom conference, participants will be asked open-ended questions about communication with peers, teachers and managers. Participants can take breaks between sets of questions, and all answers are completely confidential. 

Participants can receive up to $30 for their time and effort. 

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.