Teen and Best Friend Research Study

Researchers at the University of South Carolina are conducting a study to learn more about the relationship between friendship and adolescent development.

Fast Facts

Ages 13-17

Have a Best Friend to Complete Study With

Compensation Provided

Conducted in
Columbia, SC

Study Background

How does friendship impact adolescent development?

We want to learn more about teen friendships and how these friendships can affect development. 

Participation in the Beneficial or Fostering Future Struggles (BFFS) Study involves 1 in-person visit and 1 visit conducted virtually. Participation may involve questionnaires and completing tasks while connected to an ECG.

Study Background

How does friendship impact adolescent development?

We want to learn more about teen friendships and how these friendships can affect development. 

Participation in the Beneficial or Fostering Future Struggles (BFFS) Study involves 1 in-person visit and 1 visit conducted virtually. Participation may involve questionnaires and completing tasks while connected to an ECG.

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to learn more about teen friendships and how these friendships can affect development. 

You and your teen may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 13-17
  • Have a best friend to complete the study visit with
  • Able to come into the lab on the USC campus
  • Fluent in English
  • Parent/caregiver able to participate with teen

This study involves 1 in-person session and 1 virtual session. The participant’s friend does not have to complete the virtual study session.

During the in-person visit, the participant, their best friend, and their parent/guardian will all come to the lab on the USC campus. All 3 will complete questionnaires separately. After this, the participating teen will complete tasks while connected to a portable electrocardiogram (ECG). Finally, the teen will either have time to debrief with their friend or sit in a room alone. The entire visit will last approximately 2 hours. 

The second visit takes place 6 months later and only needs to be completed by the participating teen and their parent/guardian. They will each receive an online questionnaire, which will take about 30-45 minutes to complete. 

Participants can receive up to $100 for their time and effort. 

Parents can receive up to $60 for their time and effort. 

Friends can receive up to $40 for their time and effort. 

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.

Next Steps


Complete a simple screening form and we share your data with the study research team through our secure platform.

Qualification Review

The research team reviews your data and may reach out to further qualify or discuss your participation in the study.

Study Enrollment

Enrollment in the study is a collaborative determination made by both you and the study team. Any subsequent interactions, after completing the prescreening form, will be exclusively between you and the study team.