NYC Resident Interested in Quitting Smoking?

A research study is partnering with NYC residents who smoke cigarettes to evaluate a combination of smoking cessation coaching and financial coaching. Join our compensated study today!

Fast Facts

Smoke Cigarettes Regularly

interested in quitting with a counselor

18 Years and Older

NYC residents

Compensation Provided

Study Background

Did you know that smoking every day can cost you more than $3,000 each year?

Smoking and financial hardship often go hand in hand. The stress of financial hardship leads to tobacco use as a way to cope, which causes additional expense and poorer health & ability to work, leading to even more financial strain.

This research study will compare the effectiveness of including financial counseling with smoking cessation counseling to traditional smoking cessation counseling on long-term abstinence and quit rates of smokers. Counselors will provide all participants with nicotine replacement therapy (i.e. gum, lozenges, or patches) to help them quit, and will work with each participant to develop an individualized quit plan. Some participants will also receive financial counseling.

Your participation in this research study may help researchers improve approaches to long-term smoking cessation. Further research today and join our compensated study!

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to examine the effectiveness of financial counseling plus smoking cessation counseling, compared to traditional smoking cessation counseling, on long-term abstinence and quit rates of smokers.

You may qualify for this study if you meet the following criteria.

Key Criteria:

  • Smoke cigarettes every day
  • NYC resident
  • 18+ years old
  • Interested in working with a counselor to quit smoking
  • No known allergy to nicotine replacement therapy
  • No history of heart attack in the past 2 months
  • No arrhythmia
  • No ongoing or worsening angina

If eligible, participation includes 8 study visits over 12 months.

  • Visit 1: Study paperwork and consent forms, including a baseline survey. You will be randomized into one of two groups. One group receives traditional smoking cessation counseling, and the other receives smoking cessation counseling and financial counseling.
  • Visit 2: This is your first session with your counselor. The counselor will provide you with nicotine replacement therapy (i.e. gum, lozenges, or patches) and work with you to develop your individualized quit plan.
  • Visits 3-6: You continue meeting with your counselor for a total of 5 sessions over 2-3 months. These sessions can be completed over the phone.
  • Visit 7: After the counseling sessions are completed, a study team member will reach out 6 months after you began the study to complete a follow-up survey over the phone.
  • Visit 8: 6 months after the first follow-up survey, another follow-up survey will be conducted over the phone.

Participants may be randomly selected to participate in two additional interviews at the 6-month and 12-month survey visits to tell us about their counseling experience. Additional compensation is provided for those selected. 

Participants receive a Visa gift card for completing each of the 3-5 surveys, for a total of $75-$185. Participants also receive nicotine replacement therapy and one-on-one time with a licensed counselor at no cost.

There is no cost for you to participate in this study.