(SPANISH)BCFS00526-NYU-Rogers-Smoking [Screening Form]
(SPANISH)BCFS00526-NYU-Rogers-Smoking [Landing Page]
Aplicar Ahora ¿Es habitante de la Ciudad de Nueva York que está interesado en dejar de fumar? Un equipo de investigación está colaborando con los habitantes de la Ciudad de Nueva York que fuman cigarrillos para evaluar una combinación de asesoramiento antitabaquismo y asesoramiento financiero. ¡Únase a nuestro estudio compensado hoy! Ver Si Soy Elegible […]
BCFS00526-NYU-Rogers-Smoking [Thank You-Ineligible]
Thank you for your interest in one of NYU Langone Health’s smoking cessation studies. Unfortunately based on your answers, you are not eligible for the study. I have provided the phone number for the NY State Quitline below in case you are interested in that. The number is 1-866-NY-QUITS (697-8487) and is available from 9am-5pm […]
BCFS00526-NYU-Rogers-Smoking [Screening Form]
BCFS00526-NYU-Rogers-Smoking [Thank You]
Thank you for your submission! You will hear from a study team member soon.
BCFS00526-NYU-Rogers-Smoking [Landing Page]
Apply Now NYC Resident Interested in Quitting Smoking? A research study is partnering with NYC residents who smoke cigarettes to evaluate a combination of smoking cessation coaching and financial coaching. Join our compensated study today! See If I Qualify Fast Facts Smoke Cigarettes Regularly interested in quitting with a counselor 18 Years and Older NYC […]