Mild Cognitive Impairment
Research Study

Researchers at Temple University are conducting a study to learn more about social reward processing in adults ages 55+ who have been diagnosed with MCI.

Fast Facts

Diagnosed With Mild Cognitive Impairment

Ages 55+

Compensation Provided

Conducted in
Philadelphia, PA

Study Background

Researchers at Temple University are conducting a study to learn more about social reward processing as it relates to aging, and how that may correlate to risk factors for financial exploitation.

In this research study, we will examine how neural responses to social and nonsocial rewards, and decisions based on trust and fairness differ between age groups. We want to discover if these differences may be associated with risk for financial exploitation.

Participants will complete two in-person visits, and some participants will be selected to come in for a third visit 2 years later. Each participant will have a study partner, who should know the participant well enough to report on the participant’s everyday functioning. Study partners do not have to attend sessions in person and can join remotely.

Study Background

Researchers at Temple University are conducting a study to learn more about social reward processing as it relates to aging, and how that may correlate to risk factors for financial exploitation.

In this research study, we will examine how neural responses to social and nonsocial rewards, and decisions based on trust and fairness differ between age groups. We want to discover if these differences may be associated with risk for financial exploitation.

Participants will complete two in-person visits, and some participants will be selected to come in for a third visit 2 years later. Each participant will have a study partner, who should know the participant well enough to report on the participant’s everyday functioning. Study partners do not have to attend sessions in person and can join remotely.

Additional Information

Researchers at Temple University are examining how neural responses to social/nonsocial rewards and decisions based on trust and fairness differ between age groups, and how these differences may be associated with risk for financial exploitation.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Ages 55+

  • Diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI)

  • Have someone in mind like a platonic friend or relative that can serve as a study partner remotely (not a romantic partner or immediate family member)

  • No history of a severe psychiatric disorder (e.g., schizophrenia, bipolar disorder)

  • No nervous system infections or disorders (e.g., epilepsy, brain tumor, large-vessel stroke, major head trauma)

  • No severe sensory or motor deficits (e.g., paralysis, blindness, total hearing loss)

  • Able to undergo MRI scan (no metal in the body, no claustrophobia)

  • If female, not pregnant or breastfeeding

  • No history of dementia

  • Live independently in the community

Over the course of this research study, participants will complete two in-person visits. After the initial visits, some participants will be selected to come in for a third visit 2 years later.

  • The first visit will last approximately 2 hours and will consist of a mock scan where participants will complete behavioral and neuropsych tasks. Participants will then spend approximately 15-20 minutes inside of a mock fMRI machine to gauge comfort levels for the second visit.
  • The second session will be a 3 hour fMRI visit where participants will complete roughly 20 minutes of task practice, pre-scan questionnaires, and a 90 minute fMRI imaging portion. 


Each participant will have a study partner, who should know the participant well enough to report on the participant’s everyday functioning. Study partners do not have to attend sessions in person and can join remotely.

All participants will also be sent a follow-up questionnaire that can be completed remotely.

As a participant, you can receive up to $25/hour for your time and effort.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.