Motivation for Alcohol Study

UCLA is looking for people who drink alcohol to take part in a study on motivation for alcohol.

Fast Facts

Drink Alcohol Regularly

21-65 Years Old

Compensation Provided

Conducted in Los Angeles, CA

Study Background

Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles are conducting studies in adults who drink alcohol to learn more about their motivations.

The Addictions Research Laboratory in the UCLA Psychology Department is looking for individuals age 21 to 65 who drink alcohol regularly (but are not currently receiving treatment or interested in receiving treatment) to participate in a study investigating motivation for alcohol. We’ll look at things like cravings, mood, and self-control to find out how each affects a person’s self-administration of alcohol.

Eligible participants will complete three study visits involving questionnaires, interviews, and an IV alcohol infusion.

Eventually, the findings of this study might be useful for designing ways to treat alcohol use disorder.

Study Background

Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles are conducting studies in adults who drink alcohol to learn more about their motivations.

The Addictions Research Laboratory in the UCLA Psychology Department is looking for individuals age 21 to 65 who drink alcohol regularly (but are not currently receiving treatment or interested in receiving treatment) to participate in a study investigating motivation for alcohol. We’ll look at things like cravings, mood, and self-control to find out how each affects a person’s self-administration of alcohol.

Eligible participants will complete three study visits involving questionnaires, interviews, and an IV alcohol infusion.

Eventually, the findings of this study might be useful for designing ways to treat alcohol use disorder.

Additional Information

The purpose of this study is to understand different reasons why people are motivated to self-administer alcohol, which may provide future opportunities to develop new and potentially more effective medications for alcohol use disorder.

You may qualify for a study if you meet the following criteria.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • 21-65 years old
  • Currently drink alcohol regularly
  • Not currently receiving or seeking treatment for alcohol use
  • No regular use of other drugs besides cannabis
  • Generally physically healthy
  • Not pregnant, breastfeeding, or planning to become pregnant

The study consists of three visits.

  1. First visit (in-person or over Zoom, 1.5 hours): At this visit, you will be asked to sign a consent form and complete questionnaires and interviews to determine eligibility. If you are eligible after the first visit, you will be asked to attend 2 additional in-person visits on the UCLA campus.
  2. Second visit (in-person, 2 hours): We will ask you to complete a number of questionnaires and interviews regarding alcohol use and other demographic information and also complete a blood draw physical.
  3. Third visit (in-person, 10 hours): You will meet with a nurse to sign a consent form, review your physical health and go over your lab results. Then you will complete the experimental alcohol session, which involves an alcohol administration through an IV followed by a period where you will be asked to press a button to self-administer alcohol through the IV. The experimental session takes about 5 hours, followed by a 5 hour relaxation period (you will be able to watch movies, play on your phone or nap) while the alcohol clears from your system.

As a participant, you can receive up to $220 for your time and effort. You will also be provided with parking validation or bus fare at each session and 2 meals at the third session.

There is no cost for you to participate in our research study.

IRB#23-000434 UCLA IRB Approved Approval Date: 5/18/2024 Through: 3/13/2025 Committee: Medical IRB 3

UCLA IRB Approved
Approval Date: 5/18/2024
Through: 3/13/2025
Committee: Medical IRB 3